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Female athlete playing Volleyball

Build a Solid Foundation for Movement Enhance Your Fitness and Sports Performance

She Moves: A Self-Directed Online Course that Teaches The Foundation

For Empowered Fitness and Sport Performance For Female Athletes

Get Stronger

Feel Confident

She Moves helps women and girls learn how to move their bodies using an integrative approach and neurofunctional sports performance to help female athletes become dynamically stronger and feel confident in their bodies.

Reduce Risk

of Injuries

With a solid understanding of your body and how to move, you will be able to reduce the risk of injuries, strategically use recovery and rest and leverage neuromotor and functional movement patterns preventatively. 

Enhance Your Performance

With the right information based on the female body, you can enhance your performance and achieve the results you are looking for. Learn how to use your brain to prime your body for movement and build a solid foundation for life. 

Advocate For


When you are empowered with a comprehensive understanding of your body and HOW to move, you are better able to advocate for what you need and enhance your health, sport and fitness goals in a way that works for YOUR body.


Your Body

Get the right information for your body and understand what is and is not normal and when to seek help. Completely customizable to your specific goals, She Moves provides the foundation for health that will last your lifetime.

She Moves logo
Female volleyball players
Outdoor Sports

You have the ability to build your strength, become resilient

and reach your sport and fitness goals.

 But, it can be overwhelming to know what you actually need to do to get the results you are looking for. 


  • Do you ever feel like you've hit a wall? You keep trying and trying to improve, but nothing seems to work? 

  • Do you experience pain or injuries and wonder “is this normal?”  

  • Have you been feeling frustrated because you just can’t seem to get your body to move in the way you want, despite trying ALL THE THINGS?

  • Do you ever feel self-conscious, struggle with your self-esteem or aren’t sure how to reach your fitness or athletic goals?

You are not alone.

In fact, 1in 3 girls leave sports by late adolescence because of these reasons, compared to only 1 in 10 for boys. And 62% of adolescent girls in Canada aren't playing any sport at all. 

One reason female athletes struggle is that they are not taught HOW to move their bodies. When you combine this with puberty, perceived lack of skill and poor sense of belonging in sport, it’s no wonder many girls decide to opt out. Which down right sucks, if we’re being honest. 

There is a serious lack of information about female athletes, which means girls are often offered advice, programs and skill development that are designed for male athletes and don’t take into account female anatomy, cycles and mindset. 


This is why you aren’t getting the results you are looking for. You don’t have a solid foundation of movement that has been designed for female athletes. You don’t have the latest research or access to proven techniques used by professional athletes to enhance sports and fitness performance. 

Sports Team Portrait female athletes softball

And that’s why I’m here to help.

Hey Girl, I see You

and You are Amazing!

I'm Micaela Zettel

Registered Physiotherapist, Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner, CEO and Founder of Instil Physio and the Creator of She Moves

As a physiotherapist and CEO of Instil Physio, a practice dedicated to supporting female athletes, I see my clients struggling every day because they don’t have access to the information they need.

Over my 15 year career, I’ve worked with elite athletes, NHL players and professionals who were dealing with injuries that were dramatically affecting their sports performance. Throughout working together in the clinic, I was able to teach my clients HOW to move and create a solid foundation for movement that set them up for success and helped them reach their goals.  Many of these injuries could have been easily prevented if female athletes had access to this information during adolescence. 


Puberty can be a difficult transition that affects female athletes differently and it can be hard to navigate and know what is and isn’t normal. 


Despite athletes, parents and coaches having the best of intentions, most are working off of outdated information, skill development and conditioning programs that were designed for men and teach skills in isolation. 

Micaela Zettel headshot

What female athletes really need is access to knowledge and information about HOW to move, how to use the brain to prime the body for performance and how to prevent injuries by using dynamic movements.


All of this allows female athletes to understand their own bodies and make accurate and informed decisions for themselves. 

Field hockey players

When female athletes have this information:

  • You can enhance your performance 

  • You can prevent the risk of injuries

  • You have a solid foundation that sets you up for success in ANY sport or fitness program

  • You have the movement patterns that will help you be Fit For Life

  • You can advocate for yourself with confidence 

  • You will feel stronger, more confident and will reach your goals

Now you can do all of this with...

She Moves Logo

For Only $59.99 CAD

Start With a Solid Foundation of Movement

Here's the details:

She Moves is a self-directed online course consisting of 20 video modules. Each module comes with recommended movement practices that build a solid foundation and can be completely customized based on your level, injuries or performance goals. 


This comprehensive approach gives female athletes access to leading neuromotor techniques, improves physical literacy and transforms functional movement patterns. 

The Results?

Micaela doing a lunge

You will feel stronger, more confident, informed and empowered with revolutionary knowledge used by professional athletes that has never been available to female athletes before. 


She Moves helps you build a movement foundation that sets you up for success for the rest of your life, while helping you reach your current goals and feel confident in your own skin. 

What You Will Learn:

Enhance Your Athletic Performance in this 20 Module
Online Course Designed for Female Athletes

Get access to leading neuromotor techniques that improve physical literacy and transform functional movement patterns. 

brain drawing
Olypimc rings

Advanced Techniques used by Professional Athletes to build a solid foundation of movement.

Learn how to connect with your core through your breath to enhance performance. 

Learn how to recognize the difference between normal pain and pain that is a warning sign. 

electric bolts

Understand the signs and symptoms of core dysfunction and learn how to advocate for yourself.

bulls eye darts

Learn fundamental skills that will dramatically enhance your sports performance.

Designed to support any sport or fitness goal She Moves can be easily integrated with warm-ups or strength and conditioning programs. 

award ribbon

Customizable skill development that is self-selected by the athlete to help achieve 

individual goals. 

brain drawing
thought bubble

- 20 Video Tutorials where you will learn exactly how to develop a foundation of movement and integrate your learning to help you enhance your performance. ($1000 Value)


- Completely Customizable and Self-Paced Online Course that can be integrated into your training. ($500 Value)

- Written Instructions for each module to support your learning. ($250 Value)

Total Value $1725 for only 59.99 CAD

$59.99 CAD


With She Moves
you will get access to...

Plus if you Enroll Right Now You’ll Get Access to the She Moves Members Library

Member's Library

The Member’s Library is continually being updated with inspiring and relevant lectures designed to support female athletes.


The Menstrual Cycle

Pelvic Floor Health




Body Image

The Psychology of Female Athletes 


She Moves logo

It's your time.

Enroll Now to get access to She Moves.

female Athlete Portrait

"Micaela provided our physiotherapy mentorship group with an invaluable experience by sharing her expertise on managing female athletes. She is an engaging lecturer, presenting material in a clear, concise manner, and soliciting interaction from the class, which ensures maximum retention of information by our students. We look forward to working with her again in the future!"

Julia Cetnar & Joelle Karam - Physio Mentors

Here’s what happens after you clickety-click that magical button!

  • You’ll be taken to a page where you will pop in your payment information. 


  • Right after you pay, you’ll get a confirmation email with all of your fancy course details: where to go, how to log in and get started today.


  • Next, you’ll be able to log in to the course and start learning HOW to move. 

  • You will have access to the course for 6 months! Once you have completed the course, there will be opportunities for ongoing learning through our Member's Library. Details to come!


  • You’ll tweak, plug, play and LEARN. Plus, share any questions or celebrations in our online learning platform. Oh yeah. Let’s do this thing!

Enroll Now to Get Access to She Moves.

Young female Gymnast
Female Swimmers

"She Moves is a dream come true to any female athlete, at any level, wanting to maximize their performance and/or fitness goals."

Canadian National Gymnast

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Meet Your Instructor

Micaela Zettel is a Registered Physiotherapist, Neurofunctional Sports Performance Practitioner, CEO and Founder of Instil Physio and the Creator of She Moves. 


Micaela helps female athletes overcome adversity so they can learn HOW to move their bodies, reduce the risk of injuries and reach their fitness and sports performance goals. 


She’s passionate about supporting female athletes because she knows firsthand the struggle of not having access to vital information that you need.


Over her 15 years in the field of physiotherapy and female sports medicine, she’s helped thousands of clients improve their foundational movement patterns which creates greater physical literacy, confidence and success. Micaela helps her clients learn about their bodies and leverage cutting-edge neurofunctional and neuromotor techniques and provides a thorough education that sets female athletes up for life. 


Now she’s helping female athletes like you at a fraction of the cost of hiring her through one-on-one with her program She Moves. When she’s not teaching, working or learning, Micaela can be found watching or playing beach volleyball, hiking in exotic countries with her partner David or spending time with her fur babies or fixing up her century home in Guelph. 

Micaela speaking to a group of youth female athletes
  • How long does the program take?
    There are 20 modules that are designed to help you build your skills incrementally. You can move through the program as quickly or as slowly as you like. It's designed to help you improve exactly where you are now and you have the option to self-select the skills that you need to work on or if you have mastered them, you can move on to the next ones easily.
  • What equipment do I need?
    You will need a broomstick and some TheraBands, but don't worry, we will send you a package of Therabands when you register for the course, so you will have everything you need. If you have a yoga mat and a pillow that's also great to help you in the first few modules.
  • Will this really make me a better athlete?
    100%. You will learn the techniques that professional athletes use to improve their form, skills and athleticism, all while learning how to prevent injury and move your body more efficiently and effectively.
  • What if I have an injury?
    No problem. Each of the skills are designed to help you bring more awareness to your body and improve your strength and athleticism. Each module includes adaptations to help you. Also, this program will help you be able to identify the difference between normal and problematic pain and help you reduce your chance of becoming injured in the future.

Ready to Enhance Your Sports and Fitness Performance?

It starts with learning HOW to move. 

Don't settle for programs that weren't designed for YOUR body. 

Instead, enroll now in She Moves and apply the latest in the functional movement to your sports and fitness performance. 

Build the foundation you need to become active for life. 

Enroll Now. Let's Do This!

Womens Softball
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